Concrete Skateboarding Magazine Welcomes Jeff Thorburn
Concrete Skateboarding is excited to announce the addition of Jeff Thorburn to the team as the Editor of Canada’s original skateboard magazine.
An accomplished photographer and writer, Jeff has spent many years within the Canadian skateboard community in various capacities. That dedication made him the perfect fit for the job when the time came.
“I’m excited to be joining Concrete, with its rich history of supporting the Canadian skateboarding scene,” says Thorburn. “Working off the solid roots they have laid is going to give our contributors and myself opportunities to really branch out to do great things in the future. There is a lot of excitement in Canadian skateboarding right now and I’m looking forward to being more involved than ever before.”
The addition of Thorburn promises to bring a new look and mission to our legendary publication, starting with new projects coming this fall through our website and the debut of his first issue, #133, coming out in the spring of 2015.
“I’ve had the pleasure of working on a lot of projects with Jeff throughout the years. I’ve always been impressed with his editorial and photo contributions. I’m really stoked to see what Jeff has planned for the magazine’s future.” – Mike Prangnell, Managing Editor, Concrete Publishing.
You can contact Jeff Thorburn at:
604.279.8409 ext 202